Saturday 9 August 2014

New Photos

Learning about photography with a Panasonic FZ200. Very interesting and even just playing with basic settings, got these two shots.



I am impressed with the guides, video and written from

Will be working my way through these.

Keep Smiling


Friday 25 July 2014

Whilst Walking up the Heights of Abraham . . .


Ok not strictly true as the Heights now have a chair lift, not like in my day . . . .

I found this, and called it an income stream, only to be told this is lame by the daughters, but anyway, here it is . . . .

The Income Stream

Enjoy, and keep smiling (even if the joke is not so good)  Hot smile

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Spiders in the Peaks


Whilst Walking from Tideswell via Millers Dale, with dog and children,


we came across a spiders web, a work of art, a spider condominium, a spider metropolis, or at least a pleasant home in the sunshine.



At Alice's suggestion I took a picture of the spiders shadow, and here is the result.


Wonderful, and did not expect the colours or the clarity. Very pleased, and the walk was also a success.

Keep Smiling (and looking at the small things in life!)

Tuesday 18 February 2014

First Puppy Class

Well Pippa's first puppy class went well. She will sit stay, walk close and generally do as she is told unless she thinks we are giving too much attention to other Puppies (like giving them food, to be precise). But she will get better with this . . . .. just has to be told off for now when she tells them off.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Liverpool Tate Modern

When is art, art. And when is it a urinal?

The answer seems to be when the item in question is laid on its side and in an art gallery.

The best thing is it  causes  dicussion :-)

Sunday 15 July 2012

First post a long time in coming

I have not used this  as a blog. But as daughter may need one. And after long discussions with EricGnome, we said we would try it out. :-)